Here are a the relevent pages out of a 60 page Act. The Act makes
it plain a 30 foot wide road goes all around the dock and the New
Cut has a 40 foot wide road each side. It is plain these are roads
to be used by the public without restriction or obstruction. It is
also stated the wharfs and quays are only to be used for unloading
and loading goods. The timber stored by Anglo Norden is being
stored unlawfully. The various gates at points around the dock
and on the New Cut are also unlawful obstructions of the road.
This is in effect a Public Nuisance under Common Law and it is
possible to have folks taken before a Magistrates Court for this
offence. The Act quoted above is a repeat of the original 1837 Act
which was the first Act. This Act above was followed by the 1877
Act, the 1913 Act and the 1918 Act which in effect altered nowt
as they were mainly enacted to allow a gate to be erected on the
New Cut East but that never happened as by the time the Act
had been passed there was a tram service along that road too.
The whole Act is on my flickr site below together with the others.
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